I would like to start off by saying welcome to the family! As a brand and a company, one of our goals is to simplify and create a smooth transaction process that makes purchasing your goods more enjoyable. In this post, we are going to break down what exactly that entails. What dictates our prices, how the graphical content on the apparel is made and what steps we take to make buying your favorite design a breeze!

Let's start off with the most controversial topic: Pricing! What exactly dictates the cost of an item? Our products are priced higher due to several factors. It's a culmination of higher quality materials, greater time investment on graphical designs, exclusivity of the collections and developing the processes to streamline your experience. One of our top priorities is making sure our customers enjoy their experience on our website and being able to remove any difficulties when purchasing your favorite products is key.
Our graphical content is by far the most time-consuming part of creating our apparel. We can come up with the initial design within a few hours but will retouch designs multiple times over days (sometimes weeks) in order to get it to a place where we are confident that our supporters will love it. Even our simple designs have to be carefully thought out and crafted to appeal to our community. It is the most intricate of our development process with each design having a deeper meaning behind it.

The last part of the equation is the process of simplifying the buying experience. We understand the frustration of trying to purchase an item at a displayed price only to be bombarded with different shipping fees, taxes, processing fees etc. We believe the showcased price should be the actual price you pay, no game no gimmicks. That's why every product on our website has the final price displayed. No shipping additions, no extra taxes and fees. We take that into account when we set our prices and implement it into a final price. With every item, you know exactly what you will be paying at first glance.